hrp0082p2-d3-510 | Perinatal and Neonatal Endocrinology | ESPE2014

Neonates with Acute Kidney Injury Continue to be at Risk of Iatrogenic Iodine Toxicity and Hypothyroidism with Attendant Risk to the Developing Brain

Frerichs Carley , Holt Richard , Morgan Henry , Jones Caroline , Didi Mohammed

Background: There are published recommendations for neonates to avoid exposure to iodine. Iodine is trapped by the thyroid gland from the blood stream and used for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Any excess is excreted almost entirely in the urine. Acute kidney injury, especially anuria places infants at risk of toxicity when exposed to iodine and paradoxical hypothyroidism can occur (Wolff–Chaikoff effect). Hypothyroidism of sufficient severity to seriously put the br...